Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Finding my calling

So for whatever reason I completely lost sight of up keeping my blog, in fact I haven't updated this blog or the supposed "blog of all times" in what has really been ages. I have been so neglectful of my writing that I have found myself merely scribbling down random thoughts on papers that I've already lost, leaving nothing to capture the every day moments.

So here I am, ready to write, and friends PLEASE hold me accountable. I want to write. Yes, I want to write for real. Not like the diary online that is purely for our own benefit to vent or celebrate in the day to day life. No I mean the kind of writing that runs through your blood and brings a kind of unexplainable joy to your soul. I want to open myself up to criticism and rejection, in order to maybe someday experience the wonder of unimaginable achievement. I want to know that someone had the chance to read the words I wrote and experience a moment of fact, maybe we will laugh together, but worlds apart.

I have a million ideas in my head, so until they come into order I have decided to put what I think down to the keyboard in a safe place that can be returned to at anytime. Thus, the start of a new journey begins (fingers crossed). Ready, set, go...

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